The Ultimate List of Homeschool Facebook Groups
This is a large list of some of the best homeschool Facebook groups. These groups are a great resource for educational printables, advice, resources and much more.
When it comes to connecting with other homeschool moms, Facebook groups seem to be the most popular. I know I am always browsing through group posts and looking for new homeschool Facebook groups to join.
Not to mention all of the great homeschool resources, advice, educational materials, and friendly homeschool moms that you meet and can connect with.
Benefits of joining homeschool groups:
- If you are new to homeschooling, these groups have seasoned pros and other moms who can help with questions, topics, or any advice that you need.
- These groups have other moms who know exactly what you are going through.
- There is a lot of encouragement in the groups which we all need at times.
- Free resources and printables are often shared to help.
The Ultimate List of Homeschool Facebook Groups
I am a member of many of these homeschool groups so I can go into a little more detail about what topics are discussed or my overall experience with the groups.
For those that I am not part of I will give you a general idea of what they are about from their description and information they provide on their group pages.
Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool – This is a user support group created for parents who are using Easy Peasy as their curriculum or parents interested in using it.
Blessed Homeschool Moms – This is a place for homeschool moms to connect, make new friends, ask questions, share your victories and prayer requests, encourage and be encouraged.
Christian Homeschool Moms 40+ – This is a site for Homeschool momma’s to share experiences, ask questions, vent, ask for prayer or anything else.
Classical. Christian. Community. – A group specifically about Classical and Charlotte Mason approaches to homeschooling.
Classical Homeschool – Classical Homeschool was created to come alongside fellow classical educators for encouragement, support, and collaboration!
Educational & Homeschool Freebies, Printables & More – Educational and homeschool related printables and freebies.
Emergency Homeschooling – A newer group that is growing. The description states that they were created so that experienced homeschoolers can help offer support.
Encouragement for the Christian Homeschool Mom – This is a group for Christian homeschooling moms to share help, encouragement, tips, and resources for this crazy homeschooling journey.
Executive Function Strategies For Teens – This group is dedicated to helping parents find actionable solutions to help their students struggling with executive function.
Faith-Filled Family Eclectic & Relaxed Homeschool Community – Faith-Filled Family Eclectic & Relaxed Homeschool Community is a group for homeschoolers who use a mish-mash, mixed up variety of curriculum and methods in their homeschool.
Free Homeschool Curriculum and Resources – Free homeschool curriculum/resources and giveaways.
Free Homeschooling Resources – This is a group dedicated to frugal homeschooling and is all about sharing free homeschool printables and resources.
Highly Sensitive (HSP) – Introverted Homeschoolers – A support group for highly sensitive and/or introverted homeschoolers, and others who struggle with the “too-much-ness” of homeschooling. Those considering homeschooling are welcome.
Hip Homeschool Moms Community – This is a fun group for homeschool moms. There are a lot of non-homeschool related posts and moms talking with other moms about various things.
Hip Homeschool Moms Middle & High School Group – This is a sister group to Hip Homeschool Moms Community. A community for families living the home education lifestyle specifically for Middle and High School Moms.
Holiday and Seasonal Homeschooling – This group is a place for homeschool parents to share lessons and ideas for celebrating and commemorating various holidays and seasons throughout the year. Everyone is encouraged to share resources they find and the activities they use in their homeschool. Preschool through high school welcome.
Homeschool Freedom Discussion Group – The Homeschool Freedom Discussion Group provides support and encouragement for homeschoolers pursuing privately funded, parent-led home education.
Homeschool Dynamics by Tina Robertson – Tons of resources and help from other homeschool moms.
Homeschool Mommas Doing Something Beautiful – Are you a Jesus loving, coffee drinking, homeschool momma in search of community, encouragement, and solutions? If so, you have found your tribe!
Homeschool Printables and Resources – This community is for parents and caregivers who Homeschool. This is a positive environment where we grow together, encourage each other, share ideas and build friendships.
Homeschool Printables for FREE – Homeschool Printables for FREE is a Facebook group dedicated to bringing you FREE homeschool material.
Homeschool Music Mommas – If you’re a homeschooling momma with a child at home that is currently enrolled in music lessons or has taken music lessons in the past, then you belong in this group!
Homeschool Successfully: Perfection Not Required – Homeschool Successfully is a place of helps, tips, and encouragement for the homeschool mom! Perfection not required.
Homeschool Well on a Budget – In this group, you’ll find tips, tricks, and resources for keeping your costs down without sacrificing quality. You’ll also find great freebies, deals, sales, and discounts on homeschool related products.
Homeschool With Heart <3 – Homeschool With Heart is a place of help, tips, and encouragement for the homeschool mom! We have a great group of women ready to help you succeed!
Homeschooling College-bound Teens – This group is for those who homeschool teens who plan to attend college. It is designed to provide support and offer help and advice.
Homeschooling for Growth – This group is dedicated to sharing resources and techniques to help each homeschooled child grow academically using NWEA MAP results as a guide.
Homeschooling Made Simple – Homeschooling Made Simple is a place for homeschool moms to get encouragement, advice, resource suggestions, and lesson ideas to simplify their homeschool.
Homeschooling with Technology Podcast Community – This group is primarily for people who are listening to the Homeschooling with Technology Podcast. It is a place where they can discuss what they learn on the podcast, ask questions and share techie creations of their children.
Lessons and Learning for Littles Community – Our goal is for our children to be prepared for kindergarten and beyond. We do our best to incorporate learning into our child’s day, using simple, but effective strategies and activities.
My Joy-Filled Homeschool – The purpose of this group is to be a safe place for homeschooling moms (or moms considering homeschooling) to come together, encourage one another, ask questions, and share tips & ideas.
Natural Homeschool Mama Village – This group was created to help homeschool mamas feel in control + confident with their lives.
Our Lives as Homeschool Moms – A place for moms to get support and encouragement as they homeschool their children.
Outta’ Box Homeschooling Community – This group is a vibrant community for all homeschooling families. This is a Torah Observant faith-based group.
Podcast Living – A Group For Podcasters and Podcast Listeners! – This group is perfect for podcasters and podcast listeners- the purpose is to share favorites and share the overall awesomeness of podcast content!
Printables for Homeschool Moms – Printables for Homeschool Moms is a community to inspire, encourage and share resources that help other homeschool moms.
Professional Home Educator – Continuing education & encouragement for the homeschool leader. FREE ONLINE WORKSHOPS.
Relaxed Homeschoolers – This group is the online homeschool community for This Bit of Life Homeschooling Adventures. All homeschool moms are welcome! Although the focus is relaxed homeschooling, many homeschool styles and methods can fall inside of the relaxed homeschooling approach.
Restful Homeschool Mommas –
Rock Your Homeschool! – Rock Your Homeschool! is a Facebook group for positive daily homeschool encouragement & support with a twist of fun for Moms. Amy, which is the blogger over at Rock Your Homeschool, started the group and it has become one of my favorite groups.
STEM Activities & Projects for Kids – All about STEM activities for kids.
Survive & Thrive (S.A.T.) Special Needs Homeschooling – Get homeschool support for special needs and struggling learners.
Teaching Worksheets & Resources – Find and share teaching worksheets, lesson ideas, resources and more for preschool through high school!
Techin’ Your Homeschool – A community of homeschooling digital immigrant trying to figure out how to guide our digital native homeschoolers.
The Homeschool Method Community – A community of homeschooling parents sharing their homeschool methods & styles that best fits their child.
The Homeschool Mom’s Self-Care Plan – As Home Educators, we are essential to the success of our homeschool. Self-Care is important.
The Relaxed Homeschool Community Page – This group is for homeschoolers to get motivation and encouragement from one another.
Thrifty Homeschool – This group is a place to find giveaways, freebies, deals, sales, and money-saving tips for homeschoolers.
True North Homeschool Tribe – This is a community of homeschoolers, or those considering it; a place to ask questions and find solutions, make friends, share challenges and victories, pray for each other and share a laugh!
Year Round Homeschooling Community – A community for year-round homeschooling families.
Your Virtual Homeschool Group by Homeschool Mastery Academy – There are a ton of resources here related to homeschooling. Just a few mentioned are freebies, giveaways, advice from other homeschool parents, homeschool curriculum options.
Whole Family Homeschooling – This Facebook group is for sharing {FREE} homeschooling unit study ideas and resources as well as homeschooling unit study tips and hacks. This group is affiliated with
Worksheets, Printables, and Blogs for Teachers and Homeschoolers
I am always on the hunt for more so as I find new helpful groups, I will update the list for you so check back often!
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