55 Monthly Journal Prompts for Elementary Students (Jan-Dec)

Do you have a child who loves to write in a journal? If so, you’ll love this resource! We’ve created a list of monthly journal prompts for elementary students. These prompts are perfect for sparking creativity and helping your child reflect on their month.

Each prompt is tailored to fit the month it corresponds to, or is open ended for creative writing practice, making it easy for your child to get started.

elementary age students sitting at a kitchen table writing in journals and doing homework

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What is a monthly journal prompt?

If you’re looking for a way to help your child boost their writing skills, monthly journal prompts may be the answer.

By providing your child with a list of prompts tailored to fit each month, you can help them explore different topics and styles of writing. This is also a great way for them to reflect on the events that have taken place during that month.

It can be a simple prompt allowing them to express their thoughts and feelings from the current month, or a random prompt that can be used at any time!

Check out this great list of animal themed writing prompts as well!

How prompts can help children reflect on their month

The prompts are designed to help children reflect on the month that has just passed, as well as to foster creative writing skills all year long.

Whether they focus on events that took place or simply write about their thoughts and feelings, these prompts can help them process everything that has happened.

This is a great way to encourage kids to document their lives and build memories.

little girls sitting at a table thinking about what to writing for her monthly elementary journal prompt

Monthly Journal Prompts for Elementary Students: Month-By-Month Creative Writing

Elementary Prompts for January:

  • What were your thoughts and feelings about making a resolution or goal for the year ahead?
  • If you could go back to any moment in January, what would it be? Why?
  • What did you learn this month?
  • What was your favorite thing about January?
  • What was your least favorite thing about January?

February Writing Prompts for Students

  • What are your hopes and fears for the upcoming year?
  • How do you think the previous year went?
  • What are your thoughts on love and relationships?
  • What is something you wish you had known at the beginning of this year?
  • What do you think will be the biggest challenge you’ll face in the upcoming year?

March Journal Activities for Kids

  • When you think about (event), what are the first words that come to mind?
  • March Madness! Write about your favorite basketball team or player.
  • Do you think there’s such a thing as luck? Why or why not?
  • What does spring mean to you?

April Journal Prompts & Starters

  • What is something you’re grateful for?
  • What are your thoughts on change?
  • (event) happened this month. Write about it.
  • Write about your favorite Easter memory or what you enjoyed most about the holiday.
boy and girl sitting next to each other at a table doing work in journal books

May Creative Writing Ideas for Children 5-12

  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  • What is the best decision you’ve ever made?
  • What are your thoughts on success and failure?
  • Memorial Day. Write about someone who has served in the military that you know or a time when you visited a memorial.

June Children’s Writing Prompts

  • Write about your favorite memory from this school year or what you’re most looking forward to about graduating.
  • What do you think is the hardest part of growing up?
  • What would make the perfect summer day?
  • What’s something you wish you could go back to and change about this past school year?

July Prompts for Elementary Journals

  • What are your thoughts on happiness?
  • Do you think it’s important to take risks in life? Why or why not?
  • What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  • What’s something you’re afraid of?

August Writing Starters

  • Back to school time! Write about your favorite teacher, subject, or school memory.
  • What do you think is the most important thing to learn in life?
  • Do you believe that people can change? How do you go about changing yourself?
  • What is one thing you are looking forward to the most for the upcoming school year?

September Journal Ideas for Elementary Kids

  • Apple picking season! Write about your favorite apple recipe or activity.
  • What are your thoughts on nature vs. technology?
  • What are some of your favorite memories from this year?
  • Autumn. Write about your favorite thing about fall.

October Writing Exercises for Kids

  • Write about your favorite Halloween memory or what you enjoyed most about the holiday.
  • Do you think that ghosts are real? Why or why not?
  • What’s something you’re afraid of?
  • What would make the best fall day ever?

Related: Fall Writing Prompts for Kids

November Journal Prompts

  • Write about your favorite Thanksgiving memory or what you’re most looking forward to about the holiday.
  • Do you think that giving is more important than receiving? Why or why not?
  • What are some things you’re thankful for?
  • What are your thoughts on family traditions? Do you have any special ones that your family does every year?

December Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

  • Write about your favorite Christmas memory or what you enjoyed most about the holiday.
  • Do you think that the holidays are more about giving or receiving? Why?
  • What are your thoughts on New Year’s resolutions? Do you make them and, if so, what are they?
  • Reflect back on the year. Write about some of your favorite memories from 2022 or any lessons that you learned this year.
homeschool students writing and drawing in elementary journals while laying on the floor in their home.

More Generic Elementary Writing Prompts to be Used any time of Year

  1. What were some of your favorite things to do this month?
  2. What were some of your least favorite things to do this month?
  3. What was your favorite thing you learned this month?
  4. What was your least favorite thing you learned/studied this month?
  5. How do you think the next month will be different from this one?

Parents can try out this activity with their children to help foster a love of writing.

Not only will your child get the chance to reflect on their month, but they’ll also have the opportunity to document their lives in a creative way.

Plus, it’s a great way for parents and kids to spend some quality time together. Try out a few of these prompts and see how your child reacts! We’re sure they’ll love it. And for older students be sure to check out our Middle School writing prompts that totally not lame!

Monthly journal prompts for elementary students can be a great way to help children reflect on their month, document their lives, and boost their writing skills.

With so many different prompts to choose from, there’s something for everyone. So why not give it a try?

Your child will be glad you did.

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