Herbs and Vegetables You Can Regrow from Kitchen Scraps
Did you know there are many different fruits and vegetables you can regrow from kitchen scraps?
This is great for those who live in apartments or small areas where there may not be enough room to grow plants. It’s also helpful for families who are wanting to save money by growing their own fruits and vegetables at home.
Why should you regrow from kitchen scraps?
It is cheaper. I know, seeds and starter plants from the store aren’t that expensive, but every little bit counts when it comes to saving money, especially in today’s world.
Taking scraps from what you already have and growing your own can save you more money than you realize.
It’s a great learning activity for kids. We grow plants and vegetables every year as an educational project for our homeschool learning. My son seems to enjoy it quite a bit and it allows us to do a lot of outdoor learning activities together.
I will never forget their reaction when they were younger and just started to help me with the garden. Once they found out that you can grow your own vegetables and eat them whenever you wanted they were amazed.
They just couldn’t believe it. After that, they’ve always had an interest in gardening and growing their own food and flowers just so they can enjoy them whenever they want.
Fruits and Vegetables You Can Regrow from Kitchen Scraps
Before you start throwing out your food scraps, use those leftovers to grow your own herbs and vegetables from what you already have. Many of the herbs and veggies you get from the store can even be regrown right in your backyard or in a window sill.
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These are some of the easiest herbs and veggies that you can regrow from your leftover kitchen scraps.
Did you know that some leftovers can also be used for composting? If you are looking to create a rich soil by reusing food scraps and other natural items, composting is the way to go.
I will get into composting a bit later, so for now, let’s just focus on what you can regrow from your fruit and veggie scraps.
Green Onions
Green onions are probably one of the easiest vegetables you can regrow from scraps. They also have a quick turnaround so the wait for them to grow isn’t long.
To regrow: Don’t throw out the bottom of the green onion! Simply place the bottom piece in a few inches of water, with the root side down, and let them work their magic. From start to finish, the onions grow quickly so in about a week or so you will be able to cut and use them.
You can place them in a glass, mason jar, or any other kind of dish and in just a few days you will notice the roots growing from the bottom. Once the roots start growing, I always plant them in a container, we end up planting a few of them into one small to medium-sized planter or pot and set them in the window sill or outside on our little herb stand. You can also plant them in the garden with your other herbs and veggies if you would like.
To freeze: Since we often use green onions in our recipes, like on the top of baked or loaded potatoes or on loaded fries, once I have enough I will chop them up and freeze them in a Ziplock bag so I can grab them when I need them.
To regrow: Cut off the top of the beet and place it in a shallow bowl or tray of water. After a few days, you will notice the greens start to grow and sprout on top.
Once they get a few inches tall, you can plant them in some soil so that you have a larger harvest.
To regrow: You will want to cut the stalks of the celery off about 2 inches or so from the bottom of the bunch. Place the stalk base in a bowl of shallow water, but do not submerge.
You will notice that after several days, there will be leaves growing from the top. Once those start growing, you can plant the celery in the soil so it can continue to grow.
To regrow: Garlic is best planted in the fall. Regrowing garlic is super easy, all you have to do is take one or a few of the cloves and plant them. Some gardeners do put the individual garlic gloves in a bit of water to help them grow roots while others just plant immediately.
When you plant your garlic clove, you will want to plant them with the tapered end pointed up. You can either plant garlic outdoors in a garden or inside so that you have a continuous supply of garlic throughout the year.
Romaine Lettuce
To regrow: Similar to celery and green onions, you will want to cut the lettuce a few inches from the bottom of the stalk.
Place the lettuce in a few inches of water and you will soon see some new leaves that will start to grow from the center. After the new leaves start to grow you can plant them in soil.
Herbs can be easily grown and if you are in a small space, herbs can be grown indoors pretty easily.
To regrow: Instead of throwing out the herb scraps, simply cut the stem from your cilantro, basil, or other herbs about 4 inches from the bottom.
Place the stems in a glass of water, making sure they are not submerged so that the roots can begin growing. Once the roots are long enough, about an inch, you can plant them into the soil either indoors or outdoors.
I love all of the herb planters that are available. Many are vertical standing which makes them extremely useful for growing in small places.
Being able to grow your own herbs and vegetables from leftover scraps is pretty amazing and it is something that can be a great learning tool for children. Sometimes, it can be a little bit of trial and error but don’t worry, you will get the hang of it!