Periods and Puberty: Explaining It To My 10-Year-Old
As a mother, I knew, that at some point I would have to have the periods and puberty conversation with my daughter. I just didn’t expect it to be when she was 10.
My daughter is a very independent child, straight-A student, a perfectionist, and mature for her age. She doesn’t like anything sugar-coated.
She holds nothing back. All she wants is honesty. I’m so proud of her and I love that she’s so independent.
Some days though, I do wish the clock would stop and she would still be that little girl in ponytails and dresses on family game night. Here we are though, growing older, and I’m teaching her about important life skills, feelings, and other grown-up stuff.
There are some things, like most children, that she is nervous to talk about. One of these things was the changes in her body and how she was all of a sudden feeling.
I remember being at the age
That age where my body was changing and it seemed like I couldn’t control my emotions. It’s probably one of the hardest and scariest things girls have to go through growing up. At least it was for me! So, like most of us, we can understand why it’s not something you’d want to talk about.
One night she came to me so scared she was crying. I could barely make out what she was telling me. All I heard was that she feels different and she has some changes “down there”. She honestly thought something was wrong with her.
The mom in me felt awful that I didn’t see this coming. I should have known!
I already had to buy her a special undershirt and sports bra because she was developing.
She had been having really strange mood swings that were out of character for her. At that moment, I wish I would have had the periods and puberty talk more in-depth before now. I wish I would have been more prepared with a starter pack for her, just in case. Once I had to buy special shirts, I should have talked to her.
I honestly didn’t expect so many changes so quick though.
That day she came to me, I ordered a book called Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. from Amazon. This book had come highly recommended by friends and family.
I let her know I ordered one of the books about periods and puberty and that we would read it together. I let her know that the books about periods and puberty were nothing special, just to help better explain what was going on with her body.
I highly recommend this book by the way. It talks about everything from boys to bras and periods. Perfect for a girl going through puberty changes.
I also told her we would get a “period pack” made up for her to keep in her book bag. It would include everything she needed just in case she started at school. I made sure she knew that she didn’t have to be scared and that she could come to me, no matter what, with any questions or concerns.
I’ve always told her that, but I think her independence gets the best of her sometimes. By the time we were done talking she felt better and her confidence was back up. I was relieved.
Books About Periods and Puberty
Trust me when I say, order your books about periods and puberty before it is too late!
You may be like me and think that you have plenty of time, but mother nature will sneak up before you know it! Having a few books about periods and puberty on hand will make things so much easier!
These were the books about periods and puberty that were recommended to us. If you have a favorite, I would love to hear what it was so I can check it out.
Learn from my experience!
Your daughter may be young, but I read that girls can start as young as 8. Crazy, but true.
If you start seeing changes in her body, talk to her. Have the periods and puberty talk. Don’t be afraid of it. Let her be honest and you be honest with her. Explain to her what’s going on, what to expect, and keep the lines of communication open.
Don’t let her be embarrassed with what’s going on, it’s normal!
Just like every mom should have a journal, every girl coming to age should have a journal. She needs a place to tell about her experiences and feelings she is going through.
While there needs to be an open line of communication between mother and daughter at this time, she may want to keep some feelings private. That’s ok! Let her but do still get her to open up.