Affiliate Programs for Bloggers To Help Monetize Your Blog or Website
Affiliate programs for bloggers are one of the best ways to monetize your blog.
Joining an affiliate program is absolutely free which means there is no reason you shouldn’t join. Even when you are just getting started with blogging, there are some great affiliate programs you can join.
If you are still considering starting your own blog.. do it! If you need a little push or a step-by-step on how to get started, I did a post on exactly how to start a blog.
What is affiliate marketing?
In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is promoting brands and products through affiliate links.
In order to get affiliate links, you need to join an affiliate network that works with other companies. Then, you need to become an affiliate with them. Luckily, that’s pretty easy.
Affiliate marketing is one of the EASIEST ways to earn money while blogging.
Affiliate links are the tracking codes you are given. Each time someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase, you will make a small commission of the sale.
The amount of commission you make really depends on the program and the percentage they offer to their affiliates.
The Best Affiliate Programs for Bloggers
These are some of the best affiliate networks that you can join. Many of these even accept new bloggers.
Each affiliate program is different and they all have a wide variety of items or sales to offer no matter what you’re blogging about or what your niche is.

ShareASale is probably one of the biggest affiliate programs around and it’s one of my favorites. There are a lot of small and large businesses you can become an affiliate for.
If you’re just getting started with affiliate marketing, ShareASale does accept newer bloggers and it’s easy to get approved. Inside ShareASale, you can view the different companies and then apply to the ones you’re interested in.
ShareAsale works with companies like:
- WP Engine (Popular WordPress hosting – this is what I use and love to host Where’d My Sanity Go).
- HOOT for Kids (toys and activities for kids)
- Grammarly
- Jane (Clothing & accessories – they always have a ton of sales!)
- WP Tasty (They have an amazing Pinterest, recipe and link tool that’s a must for bloggers). See how it can help grow your Pinterest followers.
- Dollar Tree
These are just a few, they have thousands available so if you’re looking for others you can join ShareASale to see if they work for your style.
Ultimate Bundles
If you are building a lifestyle, food, or parenting or even a blog about social media and blogging, joining the Ultimate Bundles affiliate program is a must!
They offer everything from meal planning to traveling and photography bundles that are helpful and informative. They often run special deals on the bundles that are deeply discounted so your visitors can grab them up.
Just a few of the bundles they offer include:
- Ultimate Productivity Bundle – I did a full detailed post on what is included here.
- Growing Your Business Bundle
- Herbs and Essential Oils
- Photography Bundle
New bundles are released throughout the year and while some do retire, there is always something that you can continue to promote to earn affiliate income.
If you have ever done any online shopping, or haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve heard of Amazon.
In addition to the millions of items available on Amazon, you can also promote the following:
Kindle Unlimited Membership PlansYou can promote the Amazon Prime benefits, registries, Kindle items, and so many others. A lot of people already shop at Amazon so you can easily refer them to the products you already use and love or feature on your blog.