What Do You Do When Your Teen Gets Into A Fight?
One of the first things our middle daughter noticed when she began her middle school career this past fall is that kids fight. A lot. She’s horrified by the fighting – but not because she’s…
One of the first things our middle daughter noticed when she began her middle school career this past fall is that kids fight. A lot. She’s horrified by the fighting – but not because she’s…
Good. Fine. Awesome. Great. Okay. What do these words have in common? They are the single word answers my kids give to the question, “How was your day?” My husband drops off and picks up…
Parenting is a lawless place. There are no rules aside from keep them alive, protect them, and keep them safe, fed, clothed, and sheltered, and be sure they are getting an education. Otherwise, it’s a…
Unpopular Opinion: You don’t need to stop doing anything for your teenager that you don’t want to stop doing. I’m not talking about the important things, such as continuing to treat them like a baby…
Birthdays are the sweetest. They’re also the worst and literally the most annoying. No? Just me? I am not a mom who loves a birthday party for my kids. I just don’t care for them….
Confession: I am super awkward around kids. I say the F word a lot. Sometimes, I don’t know what to say. I don’t have a lot in common with them. Yet, here I am, the…
When it comes to the enrichment of a student, the most important thing to keep in mind is it has to be an activity that engages the kid’s attention. There are at least twenty awesome…
Nothing is more enjoyable than spending time in the kitchen with the kids during the holiday season. The smell of cookies baking, the sound of children’s laughter, the pretty pictures for the ‘gram; it’s the…
There is no such thing as a parenting expert because no two kids are the same, and not one of us truly knows what we are doing. If I have learned one thing as a…